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Article: How to Survive The 6-Month Sleep Regression?

How to Survive The 6-Month Sleep Regression

How to Survive The 6-Month Sleep Regression?

Just when you've mastered the art of soothing your newborn to sleep, the 6-month sleep regression hits. Suddenly your baby's nighttime sleep patterns are erratic and disrupted, leaving both you and your little one exhausted and frustrated. For many parents, this period feels like taking one step forward and two steps back on their journey toward a full night's sleep. Though every baby goes through phases of development at different rates, most infants will experience sleep disturbances around 4-6 months of age as they transition between sleep cycles. Some babies may start waking frequently at night, have difficulty falling back asleep, or seem overtired during the day. Have no fear, the 6-month sleep regression is normal and temporary. With some preparation and extra patience, you can survive this challenging developmental leap. In this article, Kaiya Baby will explore some tips and strategies to help you and your baby get through the 6-month sleep regression smoothly.

What is the 6-month sleep regression?

The 6-month sleep regression refers to a temporary disruption in an infant's sleep patterns that commonly occurs between 4-6 months of age. As explained by Dr. William Carskadon, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University and director of chronobiology and sleep research at Bradley Hospital, "The 6-month sleep regression marks a transition point where the infant’s sleep cycles begin to organize into a pattern more closely resembling adult sleep. However, infants this age still struggle to link sleep cycles smoothly. They tend to arouse more frequently between cycles, leading to frequent night wakings."

According to Marc Weissbluth, pediatrician and author of "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child", the 6-month regression coincides with major developmental changes. At this age, babies become more aware of their surroundings and separation anxiety emerges, making it harder for them to soothe themselves back to sleep when they rouse between sleep cycles. Their sleep patterns essentially become "disorganized" as they go through this cognitive development.

The key aspect is that while sleep regressions can be exhausting for families, they are temporary disruptions. As Dr. Carskadon notes, "With time, maturing neurological and physical development will allow the infant to again sleep for consolidated periods at night." Understanding the 6-month regression as part of normal infant development can help parents cope through the challenging nights.

A mother with her baby spend time summer garden

What are the signs of a 6-month sleep regression?

Here are some common signs that may indicate a baby is going through a 6-month sleep regression.

Increased fussiness and difficulty settling at bedtime. Babies may fret, cry, and resist sleep more than usual.

Waking up more frequently during the night. Babies may wake every 1-2 hours instead of sleeping for longer stretches.

Earlier morning wakes. Babies may wake up as early as 4-5 am instead of sleeping later.

Demanding more night feeds. Even breastfed or bottle fed babies may want extra nighttime feedings they didn't need before.

Difficulty getting back to sleep after night wakings. It takes more rocking, walking, nursing, etc. to settle the baby back to sleep.

Increased daytime sleepiness. Babies may suddenly seem sleepier during the day and fall asleep more easily.

Clinginess or fussiness during the day. Babies seem more distressed or emotional when away from parents during the day.

Regression in skills. Some babies may temporarily lose skills like crawling, waving bye-bye, or seem less social and interactive.

What causes a 6-month sleep regression?

There are a few key factors that can contribute to the 6-month sleep regression.

Developmental milestone - Around 6 months, babies experience a major cognitive and physical development spurt. This brain growth is believed to disrupt existing sleep patterns as new skills emerge.

Teething - The 6 month period often coincides with baby's first teeth starting to appear under the gums. Teething can cause discomfort and wakefulness.

Low iron levels - Around 6 months, babies' iron stores from birth begin to reduce. Low iron is linked to restless sleep.

Head control - At 6 months, babies develop better head control when placed on their tummies or backs to sleep. This new physical ability leads to more waking and exploring.

Separating day and night - As babies consolidate their sleep cycles, the developmental changes cause transitions from daytime to nighttime sleep patterns to become turbulent.

Establishing independence - The 6th month marks increased emotional development and separation anxiety as babies become more independent.

The confluence of these huge developmental leaps stresses the sleep–wake system, resulting in temporary regression in established sleep associations and habits. It's a normal transition phase for babies.

How long does the 6-month sleep regression last in babies?

The 6-month sleep regression typically lasts 2-6 weeks in most babies. However, the duration can vary slightly from baby to baby. Here are some more details on how long it usually lasts.

2-3 weeks is considered an "average" duration for the sleep regression to run its course. Many babies will return to their regular sleeping patterns within this timeframe.

Some babies may only undergo a mild regression that lasts around 1-2 weeks. Their sleeping issues may not be too severe.

It's also common for the regression to last the full 6 weeks for other babies experiencing more significant sleeping disruptions.

In rare cases, sleeping problems associated with the 6-month regression may persist for 8 weeks or slightly longer in some infants. But this is unusual.

Once babies hit the 7-8 month mark, most will have readjusted to new sleeping schedules regardless of how long the regression lasted.

Consistency with routines, soothing techniques, limiting daytime sleep and ensuring enough night feeds can help shorten the regression period.

So in summary, parents can generally expect their baby's sleep to return to normal anywhere from 2-6 weeks after signs of the regression first appear at around 6 months of age. Patience is key during this temporary developmental phase.

How do I overcome my 6 month sleep regression?

Here are some tips to help overcome a baby's 6-month sleep regression.

Stick to the routine: Maintain consistent bedtime and nap routines like bath, book, bed. Familiar routines provide comfort.

Lower daytime stimulation: Limit exciting daytime activities before bed to promote sleepiness. Less screen time, outdoor play earlier.

Rock/soothe to sleep: Gently rocking, nursing, patting can help settle a fussy baby. Stay calm and relaxed.

Postnatal period with mother child

Check needs: Rule out hunger, dirty diaper or teething discomfort before putting baby down. Address needs for comfort.

Use soothing techniques: Gentle back patting or white noise like shushing may distract from waking. Be patient trying different methods.

Limit daytime sleep: Over-tiredness can disrupt night sleep. Naps should total 2-3 hours max split into 2-3 naps.

Reinforce sleep associations: Babies may resist crib at first. Hold, rock, then transfer very drowsy. Repeat for longer periods in crib.

Expect more night wakings: Temporary doesn't mean forever. Respond calmly each time without prolonged entertaining.

Check environment: Make the room dark, cool and noise-free. Use same sheets/blanket/toy for familiar comfort.

Maintain schedules on weekends: Consistency prevents overtiredness. No late morning lie-ins disrupting internal body clock.

Stay calm and patient: The regression ends on its own. Try different soothing strategies without getting frustrated if one doesn't work yet. Consistency wins in the end.


The 6-month sleep regression is a challenging but normal phase of development as babies' brains and bodies grow rapidly. While disrupted sleep can be difficult for parents too, remember that it is only temporary. Staying consistent with your sleep routine, soothing techniques and meeting your baby's needs for comfort are the best ways to get through it smoothly.

It's important not to lose heart - remain patient, avoid getting too distracted during the day, and respond calmly during night wakings. This approach will help minimize the disruption and get your little one back to their regular sleep cycles sooner. In most cases, within 2-6 weeks the regression will pass as babies adjust to their new abilities and skills.

While exhausting in the short term, getting through this milestone means your baby is growing and meeting important cognitive and physical goals. The strategies parents use now to support their sleep will lay foundations for healthy sleep habits long term. Take respite where possible, and remember this too shall pass. Soon you will be rewarded with a settled baby and more restful nights for the whole family once again. Stay strong - the end is in sight!

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Yujia Shi

An expert in sleep sack design, is a valued contributor to Kaiya Baby's blog. With a strong background in baby sleep bags and maternal care, she is highly regarded for her professionalism. Yujia Shi prioritizes baby comfort and safety in her designs, using high-quality materials. Her insightful articles on sleep bags have been featured in reputable publications and have gained a significant readership. Trust Yujia Shi to help you create a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your baby, backed by her proven track record in the industry.

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