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Article: Toddler Wakes Up Multiple Times a Night Crying

Toddler Wakes Up Multiple Times a Night Crying

Toddler Wakes Up Multiple Times a Night Crying

It's common for toddlers to wake up multiple times during the night, often crying and seeking comfort. Many parents have experienced this stage when their toddlers suddenly start having trouble falling asleep, even if they slept well before. While this can be exhausting, understanding the possible causes - such as developmental changes, separation anxiety, and even discomfort caused by teething - can help make sense of what's happening. Understanding that this is a normal part of toddlerhood can put toddlers’ minds at ease.

Why does my toddler wake up multiple times a night crying?

The following are common reasons why toddlers wake up crying multiple times a night:

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety usually occurs during the toddler years. During this stage, toddlers become increasingly sensitive to their surroundings and may struggle with separation from their parents. This may cause toddlers to wake up in the middle of the night feeling scared or upset when they realize they are alone. They may cry to seek reassurance and comfort from familiar faces.


Teething is a major cause of night waking in babies. Toddlers may experience discomfort or pain as the teeth push out of their gums, especially at night when they are less disturbed. This discomfort can lead to irritability and crying as the pain can make it difficult for them to sleep.

Nightmares or night terrors

Toddlers may have nightmares or night terrors that cause them to wake up crying. Nightmares are usually remembered by toddlers, while night terrors occur during deep sleep and the toddlers may not even remember them the next day. Both conditions can cause a toddler to wake up suddenly and cry violently, but night terrors are usually more disturbing.

Hunger or thirst

If a toddler goes to bed without eating or drinking enough water, they may wake up hungry or thirsty. Toddlers grow rapidly and may need more calories than expected, especially during growth spurts. If they wake up feeling sick from hunger or thirst, they may cry during the night.

Sleep environment

Changes in the sleep environment, such as the room being too hot, too cold, too noisy, or too quiet, can also cause toddlers to wake up. Toddlers are sensitive to change and a change in their sleep environment can make them feel uncomfortable, which can cause them to wake up crying.


Toddlers can also wake up crying because they are not feeling well. Whether it's a cold, otitis media, or other common toddler illnesses, not feeling well can disrupt their sleep and lead to frequent night wakings. They may express discomfort or pain more by crying, especially since they may not fully understand how to express their feelings.

Developmental milestones

As toddlers go through important developmental changes, such as learning to walk, talk, or become more independent, they may experience sleep disturbances. Their brains are processing all these new skills, which can make it harder for them to fall asleep. These milestones can also trigger excitement or frustration, leading to crying at night.

What can I do to help my toddler sleep through the night?

Here are some strategies to help a toddler sleep through the night:

Establish a consistent bedtime routine

Creating a calming bedtime routine can signal to a toddler that it’s time to wind down for sleep. This routine might include activities like reading a book, taking a bath, or listening to soft music. Keeping the routine consistent every night helps the toddler understand what to expect, which can reduce anxiety and make it easier for them to relax and fall asleep.

Ensure a comfortable sleep environment

The sleep environment plays a big role in how well a toddler sleeps. It’s important to make sure the room is set at a comfortable temperature, not too hot or cold. A white noise machine or soft music can help drown out any disruptive sounds. Additionally, using a nightlight or a favorite stuffed animal can provide comfort and security, especially for toddlers dealing with separation anxiety or fears.

Offer comfort without creating dependency

If a toddler wakes up crying, it’s natural to want to comfort them. However, creating a balance between providing reassurance and encouraging them to self-soothe is key. Instead of immediately picking them up, parents can try talking softly or patting them gently to let them know they’re safe. Over time, this can help the toddler learn how to settle back to sleep on their own.

Address hunger and thirst before bed

Toddlers can sometimes wake up because they’re hungry or thirsty. Offering a healthy snack or a small drink before bedtime can help prevent this. It’s important to avoid too much sugar or caffeine, which can interfere with sleep. A balanced snack, like a small serving of yogurt or whole grain crackers, can keep their energy steady through the night.

Be mindful of daytime naps

While naps are important for a toddler’s growth, having too many naps late in the day can interfere with their nighttime sleep. Parents can try to ensure naps are earlier in the day and that they don’t go on for too long. This helps build enough sleep pressure by bedtime, making it easier for the toddler to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.

Help them cope with separation anxiety

For toddlers experiencing separation anxiety, it can help to spend extra bonding time during the day and at bedtime. Some parents find that a transitional object, like a special blanket or stuffed animal, helps their toddler feel more secure. It may also help to say goodnight calmly and reassuringly, reminding the toddler that they are safe and that a parent is nearby.

Stay calm and consistent during night wakings

When a toddler wakes up in the middle of the night, staying calm and consistent in response is crucial. It’s important not to turn on bright lights or engage in stimulating activities. Keeping the interaction brief, quiet, and soothing helps reinforce that it’s still nighttime and not time to play. Over time, this can encourage the toddler to stay asleep or fall back asleep more easily.


In conclusion, it is normal for toddlers to go through a phase of waking up crying multiple times during the night. Understanding the possible reasons behind these awakenings, such as separation anxiety, teething, or developmental changes, can help parents solve the problem more effectively.

By establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and responding calmly to night wakings, parents can gradually help their toddlers develop better sleep habits. While it may take time, most toddlers eventually learn to sleep through the night as they grow and their sleep patterns mature.

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Yujia Shi

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