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Article: When and How To Sleep Training a Newborn

When and How To Sleep Training a Newborn

When and How To Sleep Training a Newborn

For many first-time parents, getting a newborn to sleep soundly through the night is one of the hardest things to achieve. Many parents want to know when and how to begin sleep training their little ones.

Parents do need to know the basics about baby sleep as well as when and how to gently guide their newborn into better sleep habits. Today's content will take parents through all of this. Help both parents and babies have a good night's sleep.

What is sleep training?

Newborn sleep training is the process of gently guiding your newborn into healthy sleep habits and routines. It involves:

  • Creating an environment that is conducive to sleep.
  • Establishing a consistent bedtime routine.
  • Teach your baby how to self-soothe and fall asleep independently.

Newborns often have irregular sleep patterns, waking frequently for feeding and seeking comfort. Sleep training aims to gradually encourage babies to sleep longer at night and take more regular naps during the day. It needs parents can respond to the baby's needs in time and encourage the baby to build a healthy sleep pattern, which benefits both the baby and parents.

What is the sleep pattern of a newborn?

The sleep patterns of newborns are usually characterized by frequent awakenings and short sleep cycles. They typically sleep 14 to 17 hours per day, but these are spread out over a short period, usually lasting 2 to 4 hours at a time. Below is a sample sleep pattern of a newborn for your reference:

Total Sleep Time:

14 to 17 hours per day.

Typical Sleep Cycle:

Sleep cycles last for about 2 to 4 hours at a time.

Newborns wake frequently throughout the day and night.

Daytime Sleep:

Short naps lasting 30 minutes to 2 hours.

May take multiple naps throughout the day.

Nighttime Sleep:

Longer time of sleep may occur during the night.

Initially, newborns usually don't know day and night with more nighttime awakenings. This sleep pattern gradually begins to change as the baby grows and develops.

In addition, newborns soon have rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is critical to their brain development but also contributes to their frequent waking.

In short, understanding and adapting to these natural sleep patterns can help parents get through the first few months of a newborn's life more smoothly.

Can I sleep train a newborn?

Many parents want to know if it is safe to sleep-train their newborns. Some experts advise against formal and strict sleep training for newborns. It is better to use a gentle approach to help newborns establish healthy sleep habits to avoid causing harm. It is important to prioritize your baby's health and consider their individual needs during sleep training.

If you are not sure if your approach is safe, you can consult with a pediatrician to get some personalized guidance and ensure that the sleep training method chosen is safe and appropriate for the age and developmental stage of your newborn.

When can you sleep train a newborn?

When to start sleep training a newborn is a common question from parents. Most experts recommend parents to begin sleep training when their babies are at least three to four months old.

At this age, many newborns have begun to develop more predictable sleep patterns and are beginning to learn self-soothing techniques.

Note: It is important to consider individual factors such as your baby's personality, health, and feeding habits before beginning sleep training.

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How does sleep train a newborn?

Here are some strategies for sleep training a newborn:

Establish a consistent bedtime routine:

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can tell your baby that it's time to go to sleep. A bedtime routine normally includes activities such as:

  • Bathing.
  • Reading a book.
  • Dimming the lights.
  • Gentle rocking or cuddling.

Don’t forget that consistency is key, so try to follow the same sequence of activities every night to help your baby be familiar with the bedtime.

Encourage daytime naps:

Ensuring your newborns get enough daytime sleep will help them prevent overtiredness and improve their nighttime sleep. Try to help your newborn to have regular naps throughout the day based on his or her natural sleep cues. Remember to keep the room dim, quiet, and cool to create an environment that is conducive to sleep.

Practice responsive feeding:

Newborns often wake up at night when they are hungry. Responsive feeding means feeding your baby whenever they are hungry, no matter day or night. Responsive feeding helps to ensure that your baby gets enough calories during the day to sleep longer at night.

Use gentle sleep training techniques:

As your baby develops to three to four months of age, you can begin to gently encourage him to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. There are some techniques such as the "pick up and put down" method. What is the "pick up and put down" method? You pick up your baby when he or she cries and then gently soothe him or her before putting him or her back to sleep.

Another method is the fading sleep training method. Fading sleep training is a gentle approach to teaching a baby to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. It is a method that helps to shift a baby's sleep schedule by following their circadian rhythm - the natural sleep/wake cycle. It's used for babies who have a late bedtime and can also help solve issues with waking up frequently during the night and waking up early.

Create an environment that is conducive to sleep:

Pay attention to your baby's sleep environment and make it to be conducive to sleep. This includes making sure the room is dim, quiet, and cool, using a white noise machine to avoid any distracting sounds, and providing a safe and comfortable sleep surface, such as a firm crib mattress without loose bedding. Of course, it is a good idea to let your baby have a sleep sack.

Monitor and adjust as your baby needs:

Pay close attention to your baby's sleep patterns and adjust sleep training strategies as they needed. Every baby is different, so what works for one baby may not work for another. Be patient and flexible, and don’t hesitate to talk to your pediatrician promptly if you are having trouble with sleep training or have concerns about your baby's sleep habits.

How long does sleep training take?

The length of newborn sleep training depends on the method parents use and your baby's responsiveness. Generally, it takes a few days to a few weeks. Some babies may respond quickly to sleep training techniques and make progress within a week or two, while others may take longer to adjust.


In conclusion, sleep training a newborn requires patience, consistency, and understanding of the baby's individual needs. Parents can consider gentle techniques. Finally, you can help your newborn develop healthy sleep habits and create a more restful environment for the entire family.

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Yujia Shi

An expert in sleep sack design, is a valued contributor to Kaiya Baby's blog. With a strong background in baby sleep bags and maternal care, she is highly regarded for her professionalism. Yujia Shi prioritizes baby comfort and safety in her designs, using high-quality materials. Her insightful articles on sleep bags have been featured in reputable publications and have gained a significant readership. Trust Yujia Shi to help you create a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your baby, backed by her proven track record in the industry.

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