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Article: When Do Babies Start Laughing?

When Do Babies Start Laughing?
Baby Milestones

When Do Babies Start Laughing?

Baby laughter is one of the most important developmental milestones for new parents. Typically, infants begin to laugh when they are three to four months old.

As babies grow, their laughter becomes more frequent and varied. Understanding when and why babies begin to laugh can help parents enjoy these precious moments more with their babies.

When do babies start laughing?

Infants usually begin to laugh when they are three to four months old.

At first, their laughter responds to physical sensations such as tickling or playful movements. This laughter shows that they are beginning to engage with their surroundings and react to stimuli more socially.

As babies get older, around six months, their laughter becomes more frequent and can be triggered by more activities. They may laugh at funny expressions, games of peek-boo, or even some funny sounds. This is a sign that babies’ sense of humor is developing and that they are beginning to be more aware of the world around them.

Parents can encourage their babies to laugh by playing with them. Simple games, silly noises, and gentle tickling can make babies laugh. Not only does this make parents happy, it also helps to strengthen the bond between them and their babies.

It's important to remember that every baby is different. Some babies may laugh earlier or later than others, which are both normal. The key is to enjoy these developing moments and continue to interact with your baby positively.

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Why do babies laugh?

Let's talk about why babies laugh. Here are some simple explanations of why:

Social interaction

Babies laugh when they interact with others. This helps babies make connections. Laughing is a way for them to communicate and respond to familiar faces and voices, making communication a joyful process.

Physical sensations

Tickling often makes babies laugh. Lightly touching their skin creates a funny sensation that triggers laughter. This is a direct response to a physical sensation that they find amusing.


Babies will laugh at surprising or unexpected events, such as a game of peek-a-boo. This is because they enjoy the sudden change and find it funny. This is their way of responding to novel experiences.

Imitating others

When babies see others laughing, babies will also laugh. They tend to imitate the emotions and actions of people around them. When they see others laughing, they laugh too because it is part of their learning process and social development.

Comfort and Happiness

Laughing is a sign that your baby feels safe, comfortable and happy. They are more likely to smile when they are in a loving and secure environment. This is a natural sign of their overall feeling.

Development of motor skills

As babies learn to control their bodies, they often laugh during physical play, such as being lifted into the air or bouncing on their knees. These activities help them develop motor skills and the laughter shows that they are enjoying the process.

Emotional expression

Babies use laughter to express their emotions. Just like adults, they laugh when they feel happy or excited. This is a way for them to express their feelings, even before they can talk.

Cognitive Development

Laughing helps with cognitive development. When babies find something funny, it often involves recognizing patterns or understanding that something unusual is happening. These funny things stimulate babies’ brains and help them learn.

In short, babies laugh for a variety of reasons, from social interactions to physical sensations. Every giggle is a small but important part of their growth and development.

How to make a baby laugh?

Play peek a boo

Parents can play peek-a-boo with their babies. It's a simple game where you cover your face with your hands and then quickly reveal it, saying "Peek-a-boo!" Babies will find the sudden appearance and disappearance of familiar faces incredibly amusing, often making them giggle.

Tickle gently

Gently tickling your baby's tummy, feet or armpits can make them giggle. It's important to be gentle and watch your baby's reaction to make sure they are enjoying themselves. Tickling is a fun way to bond and share laughter.

Making faces

Parents can make silly faces for their babies. Exaggerated expressions such as widening their eyes, sticking out their tongue, or puffing up their cheeks can amuse babies. Babies love to see facial expressions and often laugh at playful expressions.

Use fun sounds

Making funny noises, such as animal grunts or funny sounds, can grab your baby's attention and make them laugh. Parents can try different sounds to see which ones their baby likes best. It's all about experimentation and having fun.

Singing and dancing

Parents can sing lively songs and dance with their babies. The combination of music, movement, and parental joy will bring lots of fun to your baby. Dancing together also creates a joyful atmosphere and promotes laughter.

Play with toys

Using toys that make sounds or are brightly colored can make babies laugh. Parents can shake rattles, and squeaky toys, or play with stuffed animals in front of the baby. This kind of engaging and entertaining play can bring laughter.

Funny movements

Parents can try funny gestures such as pretending to fall or making exaggerated hand gestures. Babies love to see unusual and exaggerated gestures and this will make them laugh. It's all about being playful and a little silly.

Imitate your baby

Imitating your baby's sounds and actions will also make them laugh. Babies tend to find it funny when parents repeat their baby's grunts or facial expressions. This is a fun way to interact and communicate with your baby.

Fun bath time

Bathtime is also an opportunity for laughter. Gently splashing water or using bath toys can be a fun experience for your baby. Sensory play and interaction can lead to lots of smiles and laughter.

In short, to make your baby laugh, you must be playful, and gentle and pay attention to what they like. Every baby is different, so the key is to find what makes babies giggle and enjoy those moments together.

Smiley baby bathtub


Infants typically begin to laugh when they are three to four months old. This development marks an important milestone in babies’ emotional and social growth.

Babies laugh when they see and do things with their parents. This shows that they are becoming more aware of the world. It is a delightful sign that babies are happy, healthy, and developing as expected. As babies grow older, their laughter will change and react differently to various stimuli. This demonstrates their developing thinking and social skills.

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