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Article: Why do Babies Suddenly Cry in Their Sleep?

Why do Babies Suddenly Cry in Their Sleep?

Why do Babies Suddenly Cry in Their Sleep?

It's the middle of the night and your baby was sleeping soundly just moments ago. Suddenly, you hear the all-too-familiar cries coming from the crib. You rush in to soothe your little one, worrying that something might be wrong. We've all been there as bleary-eyed parents trying to figure out why our babies wake up crying when they seemed perfectly content just minutes before. Though it can be confusing and frustrating, there are some common reasons babies suddenly cry in their sleep. Understanding the causes can help you find solutions to minimize these midnight waking fits. In this article, we'll explore the main factors that lead to your baby's abrupt night wakings. We'll also provide gentle tips to help your little one (and you!) get more peaceful slumber. So take a deep breath, snuggle that sweet babe close, and read on for guidance through these midnight cries. With time and gentle responses, you can ease your baby's nighttime distress and help the whole family get needed rest.

Is it normal for babies to cry in their sleep?

It's fairly common for babies to make whimpering, crying, or fussing noises in their sleep. Here are a few things to know:

In the first few months, babies can't differentiate between sleep states very well. Crying in sleep is their way of self-soothing when they're in an active sleep state like REM sleep.

It usually indicates a baby is deep asleep and the cries are non-distress noises, not that they are truly upset or in pain. As long as they can be comforted easily if fully waking, it's normal.

Around 2-4 months as sleep-wake cycles mature, crying in sleep tends to decrease. But occasional noises even beyond infancy are generally nothing to worry about.

Factors like growth spurts, developmental leaps, teething, illness, etc. can cause more crying spells in sleep periodically.

Persistent prolonged crying or screaming in sleep, inconsolable upon waking, or abnormal crying patterns could signal an underlying issue and it's fine to consult the pediatrician.

White noise machines, adjusting sleep conditions, transition objects can sometimes help reduce crying noises for sleeping babies.

So in summary, some whimpers and cries from a sleeping baby, especially a young one, are very common and developmental - but you know your baby best.

A baby cry incessantly

What is normal for a baby to cry to sleep?

Here's what's generally considered normal when it comes to babies crying to sleep:

In the first 3-6 months, it's normal for babies to fuss or cry for 5-20 minutes while falling asleep, whether in your arms or in the crib. Crying helps release hormones that make them sleepy.

Around 4-6 months, many babies start to settle themselves without much crying, but some still fuss periodically before sleep.

Up to about 18 months, it's developmentally appropriate for babies to express distress over separation from caregivers at bedtime or nap times with some crying.

Short crying spells of under 10-15 minutes as they learn to self-soothe at bedtime or naps are usually just fine.

If crying goes beyond 30 minutes, it's a good idea to check on them to ensure all needs are met before trying again.

Consistent and prolonged inconsolable crying, especially beyond the first 6 months, could signal an underlying issue.

Changes in routine, introducing pacifiers/comfort objects, low lights/sounds can help ease crying for sleep.

As long as crying is for a limited time and they can connect with you to feel soothed or distract themselves, some tears at bedtime are developmentally normal for babies. Listen to your baby and trust your instincts as their caregiver.

Why do babies suddenly cry in their sleep?


Older infants and toddlers occasionally experience bad dreams just like adults, which can lead to crying, fussing or calling out in their sleep.

Sleep cycle changes

Babies cycle through different sleep stages every few hours, such as shifting from light sleep to deep sleep or REM sleep. The transitions between sleep cycles can cause them to momentarily feel uncomfortable or distressed.


For babies teething, the gum pain can worsen when they are deeply sleeping and not being distracted. Crying may help soothe the irritated gums.


Discomfort can encompass a range of issues, including a wet or soiled diaper, clothing that's too tight, or being too hot or too cold. Physical discomfort can disrupt a baby's sleep and lead to crying.

Developmental changes

Babies go through various developmental changes, such as learning new skills or reaching milestones. These changes can sometimes disrupt their sleep and lead to crying.


Even minor illnesses like a cold can disrupt sleep and cause babies discomfort, leading to sleep cries.


Sudden loud noises, light changes, temperature fluctuations in the room could startle a sleeping baby awake with tears.


Some crying is developmentally normal for learning to soothe back to sleep independently through the night.

Separation anxiety

Babies may experience separation anxiety, even in their sleep. The absence of their caregiver or a need for reassurance can lead to crying.

Noise or stimulation

Loud noises or excessive stimulation in the environment can wake a baby and lead to crying.

Gas and digestive discomfort

Babies can experience gas or digestive discomfort, such as colic, which can cause pain and crying. This discomfort can manifest during sleep, waking them up.


Babies have small stomachs, and they need to eat frequently. If it's been some time since their last feeding, hunger can wake them up and lead to crying.

A Crying Naked Baby Boy

Do babies have bad dreams when they cry in their sleep?

It's possible for babies to experience something like bad dreams that could lead to crying in their sleep, but the research on infant dreaming is limited. Here are a few key points on this.

Infants begin dreaming during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep as early as a few months after birth, just like adults. Their dreams tend to be more primitive and fragmented at first.

Nightmares or frightening dreams become more common as babies develop object permanence and a sense of self around 8-12 months. They can connect actions/objects to emotions.

Crying, fussing or minor movements during REM sleep have been observed in infants, indicating potentially unpleasant dream experiences.

Teething, illness, stress, unfamiliar surroundings are factors that may contribute to more intense dreaming and increased likelihood of nightmares.

However, not all crying in sleep is directly due to dreams - it could simply be from sleep stage transitions or unrelated sleep disturbances.

Toddlers who can describe dreams sometimes report negative content involving threats, loss or discomfort that may reflect inner fears and anxieties.

So in summary, while infants do begin dreaming at a basic level, the specific cause of sleep crying can't always be linked definitively to bad dreams. Observation over time and the infant's context provides the best clues.

How do I stop my baby from crying in his sleep?

Establish a consistent bedtime routine starting around the same time each night. Include calming activities like dimming lights, reading stories, playing soft music to signal it's time to wind down. This cues their body for sleep.

Ensure any stimulation is minimized for 1-2 hours before bed. Limit loud noises, rough play, bright screens which can overstimulate their growing nervous system.

Create a sleep-inducing environment. Use blackout curtains, white noise, keep the room between 68-72°F. Continuous sounds and optimal temperature regulate their circadian rhythm.

Develop soothing rituals as part of the routine like rocking, back rubbing or using a pacifier. This helps babes self-soothe when they fuss through the night without full waking.

Consider any underlying cause for disrupted sleep. Teething, illness, diet issues? Consult the pediatrician to address the root problem if it persists.

Practice gentle sleep training methods if night wakings continue past 6 months. “Fade out” night feeds, extend intervals between checks/soothing, encourage independent sleep association.

Note any patterns - often linked to growth/learning spurts. Ensure day sleep isn't too long which can disrupt nightcycling. Earlier nights may help.

Be patient! Sleep takes practice for babes too. Keep trying different comforting strategies and maintaining healthy sleep hygiene. Consistency is key.


In conclusion, there are many natural developmental and environmental factors that can cause brief crying episodes in sleeping babies. From transitions between sleep cycles to teething pain and budding dreams, infants' growing bodies and brains continue developing rapidly even when at rest. While unexpected tears may startle tired parents, most instances of waking sobered are normal and pose no major concern. So long as crying stays fleeting rather than prolonged, caring for a baby's overall sleep needs with consistency can help minimize disruptions. Establishing healthy sleep habits and addressing any medical issues appropriately will best support an infant's sleep patterns to become more restorative over time. While the root causes of sudden sleep crying may not always be clear, remembering their emerging abilities are at play can offer reassurance to concerned caregivers.

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Yujia Shi

An expert in sleep sack design, is a valued contributor to Kaiya Baby's blog. With a strong background in baby sleep bags and maternal care, she is highly regarded for her professionalism. Yujia Shi prioritizes baby comfort and safety in her designs, using high-quality materials. Her insightful articles on sleep bags have been featured in reputable publications and have gained a significant readership. Trust Yujia Shi to help you create a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your baby, backed by her proven track record in the industry.

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