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Article: Signs Baby Is Too Hot Or Cold While Sleeping

Signs Baby Is Too Hot Or Cold While Sleeping

Signs Baby Is Too Hot Or Cold While Sleeping

Figuring out if your baby is too hot or too cold when he or she is sleeping can be a challenge for every parent. Knowing the signs is important to ensure your baby's comfort and safety.

Overheating can increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) while being too cold can make your baby uncomfortable and interfere with sleep.

Today's blog will list some signs of overheating and overcooling to help parents adjust their baby's sleep environment. Babies and parents both can sleep better.

Signs baby is too hot while sleeping


If your baby sweats during sleep, especially on the head, neck, or back, it means they are too hot. Babies don't sweat as efficiently as adults, so even a little bit of sweating may indicate that they are overheating.

Reddened cheeks:

When your baby's cheeks are red or pink, it could be a sign of overheating. This is because their body is trying to cool down by increasing blood flow to the skin.

Damp hair:

Damp or sweaty hair is a sign that your baby is too hot. Parents usually will notice the damp hair when they pick up their babies and feel the back of their heads.

Breathe more quickly:

If your baby is breathing faster than usual, it may be because they are too hot. Babies’ bodies will work harder to cool down, which leads to faster breathing.

Heat rash:

If your baby is too hot, small red bumps or rashes may appear on the neck, chest, or back. Heat rashes happen because the sweat ducts become clogged and inflamed.


Babies often become irritable when they are too hot. If your baby is uncomfortable because of the heat, they may cry a lot or have trouble sleeping.

Hot tummy:

Checking your baby's tummy can help determine if they are too hot. If your baby's tummy feels hot to the touch, it means it may be overheating. It's best to check the belly or back rather than the hands or feet, which will feel cooler.

How to prevent babies from overheating?

Here are some tips to help your baby prevent from overheating:

Dress your baby in lightweight clothing:

Dressing your baby in light, breathable clothing such as organic cotton helps maintain a comfortable body temperature. Avoid heavy or synthetic materials and dress your baby in clothing that can be easily added or removed depending on the room temperature.

Set the proper room temperature:

Keeping the temperature in your baby's room between 68-72°F (20-22°C) is ideal. An indoor room thermometer can help monitor and maintain this temperature range to make sure your baby doesn't get too hot or too cold.

Use a fan or air conditioner:

Fans and air conditioners help keep the room cool and air circulating. Fans should be set on a low setting and not pointed directly at the baby. The fan and air conditioner both can help create a comfortable environment without causing chills.

Choose appropriate pajamas:

Choose lightweight pajamas such as onesies or thin sleep sacks. Avoid thick pajamas or sleep sacks with multiple layers. If swaddling, use lightweight, breathable materials and stop swaddling once your baby can roll over.

Organic Long Sleeve Sleep Sack 0.5 TOG - Primrose Pink

Keep the crib smooth:

To prevent overheating, keep heavy blankets, quilts, and stuffed animals out of the crib. Instead, put a fitted sheet on a firm mattress. If a blanket is needed, use a lightweight blanket and tuck it in securely.

Monitor your baby's temperature:

Check your baby's neck, back, or tummy regularly to see if they feel too hot or sweaty. If your baby seems overheated, adjust clothing or room temperature.

Watch for weather changes:

Adjust your baby's clothing and room environment according to weather changes. On hot days, keep curtains closed to keep the room cool, and consider using a fan or air conditioner to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Ensure adequate hydration:

It's important to keep babies well-hydrated, especially in hot weather. For babies under six months of age, mothers can breastfeed or bottle-feed them more frequently, since they get all of their hydration from milk.

Implementing these tips can help parents keep their babies comfortable and safe, reduce the risk of overheating, and ensure they have a good night's sleep.

Signs baby is cold while sleeping

Cold hands and feet:

If your baby's hands and feet are cold to the touch, they may be too cold. Your baby's limbs usually cool down first, so checking their hands and feet can give you quick feedback on their overall warmth.

Pale or blotchy skin:

When your baby is too cold, their skin may appear pale or blotchy and bluish. This is because circulation is prioritizing blood flow to vital organs when babies are cold, resulting in lower skin temperatures.


Although shivering is rare in younger babies, older babies can shiver if they are too cold. Shivering is a way for the body to produce heat to keep the body temperature stable.

Cold tummy or chest:

Checking an infant's tummy or chest is a reliable way to measure the body temperature. If a baby’s tummy or chest feels cold to the touch, the baby may be too cold.

Irritability or difficulty sleeping:

A baby who is too cold may have trouble falling asleep or wake up frequently. If your baby seems unusually restless, he or she may be uncomfortable due to the cold.

Clenched fists:

Babies may clench their fists when they are cold. This can be a sign that they are cold.

After noticing these cold signs, parents can take steps to make sure their baby is warm enough without overheating, helping them stay comfortable and sleep better.

How to keep a baby warm at night?

Here are some tips to help your baby keep warm:

Dress your baby in multiple layers:

Dressing your baby in layers helps to absorb heat and keep them warm. Start with a onesie or romper and then change to a thicker sleep sack. Layering allows parents to add and remove clothing as needed to keep the baby comfortable.

Use a sleep sack:

Sleep sacks are wearable blankets that keep your baby warm without the risks associated with loose blankets. Sleep sacks come in different thicknesses and materials, so parents can choose the right one for the room temperature.

Regulate room temperature:

Keeping the room temperature comfortable, usually between 68-72°F (20-22°C), helps ensure that your baby stays warm and doesn't overheat. Using a room thermometer can help parents monitor and maintain a suitable room temperature.

Keep the crib away from the draught:

Placing the crib away from windows, doors or vents will help protect the baby from cold drafts. Ensuring that the sleeping area is in a draft-free zone will prevent the temperature from plummeting so that your baby doesn't catch a cold.

Use fitted sheets and mattresses:

Fitted sheets on a firm mattress will provide a safe and warm sleeping surface for your baby. Adding a mattress under a fitted sheet provides an extra layer of insulation to help keep the baby warm.

Choose the right pajamas:

Choose pajamas in warm, breathable fabrics such as cotton or wool. Footed pajamas are especially helpful in keeping baby's feet warm throughout the night.

Use a humidifier:

Using a humidifier in your baby's room will increase the humidity of the air, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature and prevent the air from becoming too dry. Moist air feels warmer than dry air and helps create a cozy sleeping environment.

Check your baby often:

Regularly checking your baby's neck, back or chest can help parents make sure they are warm enough. If these areas feel cool, adding a layer of clothing or adjusting the room temperature can help.

Keep your baby close:

Having your baby sleep in a bassinet or crib closer to their parent's bed will make it easier to monitor their temperature and comfort throughout the night.

These tips can help parents keep their baby warm and cozy at night, ensuring safe and restful sleep.

Kaiya Baby sleep sacks’ temperature sensing sticker

For the baby to sleep safe and sound, Kaiya Baby designed a temperature-sensing sticker on the sleep sack. The unique temperature-sensing sticker can provide real-time feedback on your baby's sleeping environment. This innovative design helps parents ensure their babies are always at a comfortable and safe temperature, reducing the risk of overheating or overcooling.


In short, ensuring that babies sleep at the right temperature is vital to their comfort and safety.

Recognizing signs that a baby is too hot, such as sweating, red cheeks, and shortness of breath, can help parents take quick action to cool their baby down. Conversely, noticing signs that a baby is too cold, such as cold hands and feet, pale skin, or irritability, can prompt parents to add clothing or adjust the room temperature.

By dressing the baby appropriately, maintaining a comfortable room temperature, and checking on the baby frequently, parents can create a safe and comfortable sleep environment for their baby. Not only do these steps help babies sleep better, but they also give parents peace of mind knowing that their baby is comfortable and safe all night long.

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Yujia Shi

An expert in sleep sack design, is a valued contributor to Kaiya Baby's blog. With a strong background in baby sleep bags and maternal care, she is highly regarded for her professionalism. Yujia Shi prioritizes baby comfort and safety in her designs, using high-quality materials. Her insightful articles on sleep bags have been featured in reputable publications and have gained a significant readership. Trust Yujia Shi to help you create a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your baby, backed by her proven track record in the industry.

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