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Article: Why Does Your Baby Sleep So Much?


Why Does Your Baby Sleep So Much?

I am often amazed by how deeply and for so long baby can sleep. As the sun sets in the sky, her little eyes start to droop closed. And when darkness falls, she slips into a sleep so sound. As her mother, I sometimes wonder why such a tiny baby would need so much rest.

Yet every dawn, she awakens with a smile, never seeming to lack energy. So what could be the reason babies truly need so much sleep? The answer may lie in her rapidly growing little body. We will explore more details in the passages to come.

How much sleep do newborns need?

Newborns (0-3 months) sleep between 16-18 hours per day on average. This includes naps during the day and overnight sleep.

At this young age, newborns sleep primarily and wake only to feed. They may be asleep for stretches of 2-4 hours at a time.

Individual sleep needs can vary, but most newborns at 2 weeks old sleep around 16.5 hours in a 24 hour period. At 6 weeks, average sleep drops slightly to around 15.5 hours.

Daytime naps for newborns usually range from 1-4 hours depending on the time of day. Night sleep periods tend to be longer, often 5-8 hours continuously.

At night, newborns may wake every 2-4 hours to feed. By 6-8 weeks, some babies begin stretching night feedings farther apart.

Staying awake for longer periods during the day is normal around 6 weeks as they start to consolidate night sleep more.

If your newborn is feeding regularly and gaining weight appropriately, following their natural sleep cues is generally best.

So in summary, 14-17 hours is normal for most newborns in the first few months of life as their bodies grow and develop rapidly while sleeping.

Why your newborn sleeps so much ?

The sight of your newborn sleeping so much might leave you wondering what's behind this seemingly endless cycle of slumber. It's important to recognize that newborns' sleep patterns are fundamentally different from those of older children and adults. Let's delve into some of the fascinating reasons why your newborn sleeps so much.

Rapid Brain Development: In the early weeks of life, your baby's brain is in overdrive, building new connections and processing an incredible amount of information. Sleep plays a pivotal role in this development. During deep sleep cycles, the brain consolidates memories, processes new experiences, and supports cognitive growth.

Growth Spurts: Newborns undergo rapid physical growth during their first months. Much of this growth occurs during sleep. Growth hormones are predominantly released during deep sleep cycles, contributing to your baby's increasing length and weight.

Energy Conservation: While it might seem counter intuitive, the amount of energy a newborn expends is surprisingly high. From feeding to digesting milk, even the seemingly simple tasks demand a lot of energy for their tiny bodies. Sleep allows their bodies to conserve energy and focus on vital functions like growth and development.

Adapting to the World: The transition from the cozy womb to the outside world is a monumental change for a newborn. The sensory overload from all the new sights, sounds, and sensations can be exhausting. Sleep provides a break from this sensory stimulation, allowing your baby to recharge and process their new environment.

Immune System Boost: Sleep plays a significant role in strengthening a baby's immune system. It's during sleep that the body produces infection-fighting antibodies and cytokines, crucial components for defending against illnesses.

Development of Circadian Rhythm: While your newborn's sleep might seem unpredictable, they are gradually developing their internal body clock, known as the circadian rhythm. This process takes time, which is why their sleep patterns appear irregular in the beginning.


It's important to remember that while newborns sleep a lot, it's not always in long stretches. Newborns' sleep cycles are shorter than those of adults, and they often wake up to feed, which is another essential aspect of their growth and development. As your baby continues to grow, their sleep patterns will evolve, and those long, cozy naps will gradually give way to more structured sleep cycles.

Can babies sleep too much?

Yes, it is possible for babies to get more sleep than what is considered normal or healthy.

Here are the potential dangers of babies sleeping too much.

Poor weight gain or failure to thrive: Excessive sleep means the baby isn't awake enough to feed adequately. This can lead to malnutrition and underweight issues over time.

Delayed development: Crucial developmental milestones like social smiling, vocalization, head control and motor skills require awake time. Oversleeping may hinder cognitive and physical growth.

Low energy levels: Babies who sleep too much often seem lethargic even when awake and can be difficult to rouse. This could point to an underlying medical problem.

Increased infection risk: The immune system matures and strengthens while awake. Excessive sleep leaves babies vulnerable to illnesses.

Potential health conditions: Long stretches of oversleeping may be a sign of issues like breathing problems, gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic issues or neurological abnormalities.

Poor bonding with caregivers: Newborns need awake time for building relationships through interaction and attachment.

While sleep is vital for growth, too much of it can negatively impact a baby's health, feeding and development if left unaddressed. Parents should consult their pediatrician for guidance and potential treatment if concerned.

Factors Influencing Newborn Sleep

Understanding the factors that influence a newborn's sleep is essential for creating a conducive sleep environment and promoting healthy sleep habits.

Environmental Factors: The surroundings in which your baby sleeps play a significant role in their sleep duration and quality. Bright lighting and loud noises can disrupt sleep, as newborns are particularly sensitive to their environment. Consider creating a dimly lit and quiet sleep space to minimize disturbances during naptime and nighttime.

Comfort and Familiarity: Just like adults, babies sleep best when they feel safe and comfortable. Pay attention to the bedding, temperature, and overall ambiance of the sleep area. A cozy crib with a fitted sheet, along with a sleep sack for warmth, can help create a secure sleep space.

0.5 TOG Short Sleeve Sleep Sack

Newborn Temperament: Every baby has a unique temperament, which can influence their sleep patterns. Some newborns are naturally more adaptable and can sleep through various conditions, while others may be more sensitive and require a more controlled sleep environment. Understanding your baby's temperament can guide you in creating a sleep routine that suits their individual needs.

Feeding Patterns: Newborns have small stomachs and need to feed frequently. This can affect their sleep as they wake up hungry during the night. It's important to respond to their hunger cues and establish a feeding routine that aligns with their natural sleep cycles.

A Pair Of Parents Coaxing The Baby To Eat

Physical Comfort: Discomfort from factors like diaper changes, colic, or teething can disrupt your baby's sleep. Addressing their physical comfort needs before putting them down to sleep can help them settle more easily.

Parental Care and Interaction: Babies thrive on parental care and interaction. Spending quality time with your baby during their wakeful hours can contribute to a more content and settled sleep when it's time for them to rest.

Developmental Changes: As your baby grows, their sleep patterns will naturally evolve. Milestones like rolling over, sitting up, and teething can disrupt sleep temporarily. Being prepared for these changes can help you manage any sleep disturbances they may cause.

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Yujia Shi

An expert in sleep sack design, is a valued contributor to Kaiya Baby's blog. With a strong background in baby sleep bags and maternal care, she is highly regarded for her professionalism. Yujia Shi prioritizes baby comfort and safety in her designs, using high-quality materials. Her insightful articles on sleep bags have been featured in reputable publications and have gained a significant readership. Trust Yujia Shi to help you create a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your baby, backed by her proven track record in the industry.

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