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Why Babies Benefit from Sleeping in Separate Beds

Why Babies Benefit from Sleeping in Separate Beds?

As the sun filtered through the windows in the early morning, I quietly tiptoed into my baby’s room to check on her. She was sound asleep in her crib, little arms stretched up by her head and knees...

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When Can Babies Sleep on Their Stomach?

When Can Babies Sleep on Their Stomach Safely?

One night when the mother went to feed the baby, she noticed something was amiss. Peering over the crib rail she spied a tiny little backside wriggling dangerously close to the edge. It seemed this...

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How Often Should You Bathe Your Newborn?

How Often Should You Bathe Your Newborn?

Bathing one's newborn can be a source of endless debate among parents. While some subscribe to the philosophy of "if they're not dirty, don't wash them," others insist on a strict daily bathing rou...

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Do Babies Sleep More When Teething?

Do Babies Sleep More When Teething?

For many parents, one of the first signs that their baby is teething is an increase in sleep. As their gums become swollen and sensitive from the teeth pushing through, babies often seem too uncomf...

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Why do Babies Twitch in Their Sleep?

Why do Babies Twitch in Their Sleep?

If you've ever watched a sleeping baby, you've likely noticed their tiny twitching motions - an arm jerking ever so slightly, tiny fingers dancing, eyelids fluttering relentlessly. As any new paren...

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How to Survive The 6-Month Sleep Regression

How to Survive The 6-Month Sleep Regression?

Just when you've mastered the art of soothing your newborn to sleep, the 6-month sleep regression hits. Suddenly your baby's nighttime sleep patterns are erratic and disrupted, leaving both you and...

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Choosing the Best Sleeping Sack

11 Key Considerations When Choosing the Best Sleeping Sack

The sleeping baby is like a delicate flower, which needs the careful care of the mother. And a suitable sleeping sack can undoubtedly make the baby sleep more sweet. So in the dazzling range of sle...

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Newborn Scrunch: What Is It And What Causes It?

Newborn Scrunch: What Is It And What Causes It?

Swaddled up like a little burrito, scrunched in tight from head to toe - no, this isn't a new yoga pose your fitness-crazed friend convinced you to try. It's the darling curled-up posture of a newb...

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Best Sleeping Position For Baby With Stuffy Nose

Best Sleeping Position For Baby With Stuffy Nose

As a new mom, I know how hard it can be to see your little one uncomfortable. When my baby girl woke up in the middle of the night fussy and congested, my heart ached for her. I gently picked her u...

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