
Why Babies Resist the Crib And How to Help Them Sleep?
Oh, the cries of a baby resisting sleep! There you are, swaying and shushing your little one in your arms, their eyes fighting heavy eyelids. Gently you lay them down in the crib, hoping tonight wi...
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Why Do Babies Have Dry Coughs At Night?
It's 3am and you jolt awake to the sounds of your baby's hoarse coughing over the monitor. Sitting up in bed, you hear her little throat making hacking, barking sounds as she tries to clear it. You...
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Should You Sleep Train Your Baby?
Baby sleep training is a topic that every new parent confronts at some point. As any sleep-deprived mother or father knows, babies often need to be rocked, fed or soothed back to sleep multiple tim...
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How Many Baby Bottles do I Need?
Welcome, new parents! One of the many decisions you'll need to make as you prepare for your baby's arrival is how many bottles and nipples to get. I know it can be overwhelming trying to figure out...
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Why do Babies Suddenly Cry in Their Sleep?
It's the middle of the night and your baby was sleeping soundly just moments ago. Suddenly, you hear the all-too-familiar cries coming from the crib. You rush in to soothe your little one, worrying...
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Why do Babies Smile in Their Sleep?
Have you ever peeked in on your sleeping baby and been greeted by the sweetest little smile? I know I have. In those blissful moments, it seems like our little ones don't have a care in the world. ...
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How Often to Change a Newborn's Diaper?
As a new parent, you've probably wondered how often you should be changing those dirty diapers. It may seem neverending at times, like you just finished one change only to find your baby needs a fr...
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Why is My Baby Breathing Fast While Sleeping?
As a parent, have you ever watched over your peacefully sleeping baby only to notice their chest moving up and down rather quickly? You lean in closer, your own breath held tight, as you count thei...
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Is It Ok To Put Baby To Sleep Without Burping?
Putting your baby to sleep without burping after a feeding is a very common concern for many parents. On one hand, burping helps release any air swallowed during feeding which could otherwise cause...
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